Giving Thanks For More Than Gaming

2023 is coming to an end very soon! I can’t believe time has gone by so quickly, yet that’s how I feel every year and I’m sure many people do as well. Time is a delicate resource we cannot gain more of and I try to remember that daily to keep me focused and living in the moment instead of always pushing forward to the next one. Thanksgiving is one of those times when I can spend time with my family and reflect on the goodness of God and all He has given us. I want to always make sure that my eyes are on Him and not on my strength or wisdom, so I remind myself that I am where I am in life all thanks to His mercy and grace.

I have not played as much as I would like to recently, but I have been getting through Sea Of Stars and Spider-Man 2 which I think are the top games of the year. Maybe they will win a few categories at the Game Awards? Since I have a few days off, my wife and I like to put up the Christmas lights and decor while also picking up around the house and cooking as well! It’s a fun time with Christmas music or instrumental (both are my personal Spotify playlists!), friends passing by to say hi, texting family members that are far away, and watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade which is a long-held tradition. Now that we have our son and he’s getting old enough to enjoy this special time more we can involve him in the festivities which is such a blessing and time to make memories. 

This year I wanted to list out what I am most thankful for because it’s not just about video games, even though they are my favorite past time. Here’s what I am personally thankful for this year:

  • My wife and son, after God they are the greatest blessing I have in my life.
  • Being able to work from home and be with my family more while working together with them.
  • I am healthy and strong with no health issues.
  • I have a beautiful home with everything we need.
  • I was able to purchase the limited edition Spider-Man 2 PS5 that comes with the game. It’s…beautiful.
  • My friends and loved ones.

There’s more I can list but it would be very long and detailed. I cannot give God thanks enough for all that I have because I don’t deserve it. So many people around the world don’t have much or nothing at all and we worship the same Savior. I do not come from a family with a lot of resource. My grandmother came from Cuba with nothing and paved the way for my mother and then myself to have a better life here than in a communist country run by a dictator. I’m grateful everyday that I have to lift my hands and thank Him, so I have a million reasons to be thankful today and everyday. I hope you are as well.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I’m grateful to God for this ministry. Let me know in the comments how you spent the day, and even if you read this after Thanksgiving let me know how it went anyways.

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When not conquering digital worlds in video games, he can be found reading, watching anime, listening to music writing, and just enjoying life as a geek in the city.

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